Dua lagi wanita jadi mangsa simbah asid
Seorang wanita dan seorang gadis menjadi
mangsa simbahan asid oleh dua lelaki ketika menunggu bas di Batu 16, Rawang,
dekat Kuala Lumpur petang semalam. Ketua Polis Daerah Gombak ACP Abdul Rahim
Abdullah berkata dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 7 petang itu, S.Rani, 46, dan
Nuraqilah Osman, 16, telah disimbah asid oleh seorang daripada suspek yang
berjalan kaki. Beliau berkata suspek telah meragut rantai leher Rani sebelum
melarikan diri ke kawasan berhampiran. "Semasa melarikan diri, seorang
daripada suspek itu menyimbah cecair dipercayai asid ke arah wanita itu yang
turut mengenai mangsa kedua menyebabkan belakang badannya melecur,"
katanya dalam satu sistem pesanan ringkas malam tadi. Abdul Rahim berkata
Nuraqilah menerima rawatan sebagai pesakit luar di Hospital Selayang manakala
Rani, yang cedera di muka, leher, tangan serta dada, masih dirawat di hospital
sama. "Mangsa tidak dapat mengecam identiti kedua-dua suspek kerana semasa
kejadian, keadaan gelap dan perlakuan suspek terlalu pantas," katanya
sambil menambah kes itu disiasat mengikut Seksyen 395/397 Kanun Keseksaan.
http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/193345 - Bernama
Mangsa simbah asid trauma keluar rumah
KUALA LUMPUR 9 Mei - Meskipun
hanya mengalami kecederaan ringan di bahagian mata akibat disimbah cecair jenis
'thinner' oleh seorang lelaki, seorang ibu yang kini sarat mengandung trauma
untuk keluar rumah seorang diri. Mangsa yang hanya ingin dikenali sebagai Yati,
30, masih tidak dapat melupakan kejadian bagaimana suspek yang menaiki
motosikal tiba-tiba muncul dari arah belakang dan menyimbah cecair itu mengenai
muka dan badannya. Kejadian itu, menurut Yati, berlaku di hadapan sebuah vila
yang disewa keluarganya untuk menjalankan aktiviti riadah di Persiaran Titiwangsa
di sini, pada pukul 3 petang, Sabtu lalu. "Ketika itu, semua ahli keluarga
berkumpul di dalam rumah. Saya keluar sekejap ke tempat letak kereta untuk
mengambil lampin pakai buang anak saya. "Sebaik sahaja saya membuka pintu
kereta, datang seorang lelaki bermotosikal dari belakang dan menyimbah cecair
itu menyebabkan muka dan badan saya basah. "Saya kini takut untuk keluar
rumah kerana masih terbayang kehadiran lelaki itu," katanya ketika ditemui
di rumahnya di Ampang, hari ini. Yati ialah salah seorang mangsa simbahan
cecair dipercayai asid jenis 'thinner' dan 'alkali' yang dilaporkan berlaku di
ibu negara sejak kebelakangan ini. Polis sedang mengesan dua lelaki
bermotosikal yang dipercayai menyasarkan golongan wanita di daerah Dang Wangi,
Sentul dan Brickfields sebagai mangsa simbahan cecair itu. Yati memberitahu,
simbahan cecair tersebut mengenai bahagian matanya dan amat memedihkan sehingga
tidak dapat membukanya.
"Saya menjerit meminta
tolong dan segera masuk ke dalam rumah untuk mendapatkan bantuan,"
katanya. Suaminya yang terkejut melihat keadaannya segera keluar rumah untuk
menangkap suspek, bagaimanapun lelaki itu sempat menghilangkan diri. Katanya,
dia dihantar ke Pusat Rawatan Pusrawi sebelum dirujuk ke Hospital Kuala Lumpur
untuk rawatan lanjut
Minda: Tanggung
derita tanpa pembelaan
Asmizan Mohd Mohd Samiran
TATKALA terpandang
gambar mangsa simbahan asid, Nor Ain Abdul Aziz, 18, baru-baru ini, penulis
tertanya-tanya bagaimana masa depannya. Dalam keadaan buta dan cacat bagaimana
remaja itu mendepani usia remajanya. Siapa
Nor Ain? Barangkali ada yang masih ingat dengan tragedi menimpa remaja itu pada
Ogos 2009. Anak kampung dari Kampung Baru Mutiara, Aring, Gua Musang yang
ketika itu berusia 15 tahun menjadi mangsa kerakusan bapa tirinya di sebuah
kebun di Felda Aring Enam, tidak jauh dari rumahnya.
Dia bukan saja
menjadi mangsa simbahan asid cuka getah, tetapi turut dirogol sebelum berjalan
keluar dari kebun berkenaan sejauh 100 meter bagi mendapat pertolongan,
manakala bapa tirinya membunuh diri dengan meminum cuka getah berkenaan. Dalam
laporan akhbar ini Mac lalu, remaja itu bagaikan berputus asa apabila enggan
meneruskan usaha memulihkan wajahnya dengan melakukan pembedahan plastik
susulan di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Kubang Kerian.
Menurutnya, dia malu
keluar rumah dan lebih rela bersendirian tanpa bergaul dengan orang lain. “Bagaimanapun,
saya tetap tabah menghadapi ujian Allah SWT walaupun hidup terasing dengan
rakan sekampung. Sebelum ini kehidupan saya ceria bersama mereka, namun kini
saya perlu reda dengan apa yang berlaku pada diri saya,” katanya.
Nor Ain berkata, dia menyimpan impian belajar di sekolah pondok bagi mendalami
ilmu agama tetapi apabila memikirkan keadaan dirinya yang cacat, dia melupakan
terus impian itu. “Dalam keadaan saya yang cacat dan buta, saya tidak mahu
menyusahkan orang lain. Jika saya belajar di sekolah pondok, sudah semestinya
saya memerlukan bantuan orang lain seperti memimpin saya berjalan,” katanya.
Berdasarkan luahan
remaja itu, jelas dia berdepan masa depan tidak menentu. Ketika ini dia masih
mempunyai seorang ibu, Nor Azizah Jusoh, 36, dan tiga adik yang masih bersekolah,
tetapi bagaimana jika ditakdirkan dia tinggal sebatang kara pada masa akan
Lantas, penulis teringat kisah seorang lagi mangsa simbahan asid, Azri
Abdullah, 44, yang berasal dari Pulau Pinang. Pemuda ini juga menjadi mangsa
perbuatan kejam ahli keluarga sendiri iaitu adiknya pada Disember 2009. Lebih
menyedihkan dalam keadaan menderita akibat cedera parah diseluruh anggota
badan, dia disisihkan keluarga sehingga terpaksa bergantung hidup dengan rakan.
Bagaimana pengakhiran kisah Mohd Azri? Pastinya dia menderita dan terus
Kisah Nor Ain dan
Azri hanyalah sebahagian kisah derita yang ditanggung mangsa simbahan asid. Ada
ramai lagi penduduk di negara ini menerima nasib sama seperti mereka. Masih
ingat kepada Tuan Azman Tuan Ludin, 39, dari Tanah Merah, Kelantan? Bekas
tentera ini juga menjadi mangsa simbahan asid, namun lebih tragis, ia dilakukan
isterinya sendiri selepas bertengkar gara-gara dia mahu kahwin lagi.
Mohd Hafizuddin Johari, 21, juga menjadi mangsa simbahan asid di Kangar, Perlis
pada September tahun lalu selepas ada yang dengki kerana dia menjalin hubungan
dengan seorang pondan, Natasya.
Nama seperti Mohd Raffie Abdul Latiff, 28, (mangsa simbahan asid ketika sedang
menunggu rakannya berhampiran tandas awam di Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur pada
September tahun lalu), Mahyuddin Abdullah, 48, (mangsa simbahan asid oleh
isteri di Kampung Kok Lanas, Kota Bharu, Disember tahun lalu), Nurul Dahyatul
Fazlinda Mat Haizan, 10, (mangsa simbahan asid bapa sendiri di Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu pada 15 Ogos 2010) dan adik-beradik, Syafiq Haikal Mat Safa Zaidi,
14, dan Syaffiy Aiman, 11, (mangsa simbah asid oleh jiran sendiri di Felda
Jengka 9, Kuala Krau, Pahang pada Julai 2011) juga pernah terpampang di media
gara-gara cedera parah selepas menjadi mangsa simbahan asid.
Justeru, jika
dihitung jumlah mangsa simbahan asid, sepatutnya perlu ada persatuan atau
yayasan yang mampu membela nasib golongan berkenaan. Ini kerana, mereka bukan
hanya perlu dibantu untuk seketika, tetapi untuk selama-lamanya. Dalam keadaan
cacat dan sentiasa dibayangi peristiwa hitam yang pernah dilalui, pastinya
mereka perlukan sokongan dan bantuan, bukan saja daripada segi moral tetapi
juga kewangan. Di Malaysia, kita mempunyai yayasan khusus untuk pesakit Aids, kanser
dan buah pinggang, justeru mengapa tidak diwujudkan persatuan atau yayasan
untuk membela nasib mangsa simbahan asid. Penubuhan persatuan atau yayasan
khusus untuk mangsa simbahan asid sudah lama di lakukan di negara luar. Di
Bangladesh misalnya, ada Yayasan Mangsa Asid (ASF) yang melakukan pemantauan
khusus kepada mangsa simbahan Asid.
Selepas penubuhan ASF, ditubuhkan pada 1999, jumlah serangan asid mula menurun
terutama apabila kerajaan menguatkuasakan undang-undang tegas bagi menangani
isu berkenaan termasuk tertuduh boleh dihukum mati jika didapati bersalah di
Pada 1999, ketika ASF
ditubuhkan, kira-kira 500 kes direkodkan setiap tahun di negara itu tetapi kini
jumlah itu menurun sehingga kurang daripada 100 setahun. Justeru, sudah sampai
masanya mangsa simbahan asid di negara ini mendapat pembelaan. Barangkali, bagi
mangsa yang sudah putus asa boleh ditempatkan di satu tempat yang mampu memberi
penjagaan sempurna dan mungkin memberi pendidikan kemahiran mengikut keperluan
mereka. Mungkin tempat itu boleh mengambil contoh Pusat Pemulihan Dalam
Komuniti yang banyak diwujudkan di negara ini. Berikan mereka motivasi semangat
dan harapan nyata, menjadikan sekurang-kurangnya, mangsa simbahan asid tidak
berasa putus asa dan terus rendah diri. Seperkara lagi mengenai isu asid, kita
sebelum ini pernah diberi bayangan bahawa sesuatu bakal dilakukan bagi
membanteras kejadian serangan asid. Ini berikutan, masyarakat digemparkan
dengan kes serangan asid oleh individu tidak dikenali di sekitar Kuala Lumpur
dan Selangor, yang menyasarkan orang awam terutama wanita sehingga puluhan
orang awam menjadi mangsa.
Beberapa cadangan
diberikan, antaranya oleh Naib Pengerusi Yayasan Pencegahan Jenayah Malaysia
(MCPF), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye bahawa kerajaan perlu mengkaji semula
undang-undang penjualan asid, akta dan bentuk hukuman terhadap pesalah. Menurutnya,
setiap urus niaga asid perlu direkodkan iaitu pembeli menyertakan nombor kad
pengenalan dan alamat kediaman atau premisnya dan dia harus bertanggungjawab
memastikan bahan cecair itu tidak disalahgunakan pihak lain. “Asid bahan yang
digunakan banyak pihak, terutama di kilang, proses pembuatan, sektor
perladangan mahupun sebagai bahan mencuci kekotoran. Bahan ini tidak sepatutnya
disalahgunakan sebagai alat membalas dendam, mencedera, mencacat dan membutakan
orang lain.
“Oleh itu, pembeli harus bertanggungjawab di atas setiap pembelian dilakukan
dengan menyimpannya di tempat selamat dan sukar diceroboh orang lain,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini, tiada sebarang perkembangan usaha untuk
menyelesaikan isu asid itu. Peningkatan jumlah mangsa yang menderita akibat
disimbah asid dan kenaikan mendadak kes serangan asid seharusnya diambil
Selagi tiada penguatkuasaan penjualan asid termasuklah cuka getah, bukan lagi
kejutan apabila selepas ini akan muncul lebih ramai mangsa yang buta dan cacat
angkara asid.
Kami :
by Eric On 5/11/2011
like I am a barbarian huh? But I am sure that's the exact emotion the victims
and their families have right now! I wonder how come this crazy man can be
roaming free on our streets just like that? What have our corrupt police been
doing besides lustfully raiding those vice dens and massage parlous to catch
prostitutes in the act? Can't PDRM channel more of our police force to nab this
cold-blooded criminal? A serial acid splasher is terrorizing the lives of
people in KL! Damn it! All of us especially those residing in KL should be more
of the serial acid splasher in KL!
Last week another 5 innocent victims have been hurt by the acid thrown at them.
So far 20 victims have been injured. All are women and girls except a male
school teacher in 8 different incidents over the past 2 months! These crazy
attacks happens right in the heart of KL. I wonder where are the cops? Maybe
they are having their long tea break at some mamak stalls! Aren't our most
advanced city is equipped with high resolution surveillance cameras? Or those
money has been used to buy cheap 1.0 MP cameras and the rest has been channeled
into someone's else pocket? Ok sorry...it's not the time to play the blame
We must track down this animal as soon as possible. One of the latest victims
is a one-year-old helpless baby. See how insane this serial acid splasher is?
Then another victim who was attacked last Friday suffered serious burns which
could cause her to lose her eye. People lives are at risk here. 20 victims'
future has been affected by this animal! All of us should work together to
track down this animal before more innocent people are being harmed!
1. March
2 - Eight Year 4 and Year 6 pupils and a teacher of SK Bukit Bandaraya in
Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar were splashed with a liquid by a motorcyclist clad in
2. March
24 - Two marketing executives were splashed with acid as they were walking
along Jalan Tun Sambanthan at 5.30pm.
3. March
25 - A 25-year-old history teacher, on the way to school, was attacked near
the back gate of a school in Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad at 7am.
4. March 26 - A Frenchman and his female companion became the 13th and
14th victims of a corrosive liquid-splashing attack by a motorcycle duo in
Jalan Conlay about 3pm.
5. April
2 - In Jalan Mantin, Negri Sembilan, a 27-year-old woman and her
18-year-old niece were attacked by two men on a motorcycle 9pm.
6. May
6 - Two women were splashed with acid when a motorcyclist attacked them
from behind in Jalan Pudu Lama at 9pm.
7. May
6 - Thirty minutes later, a lawyer in her 30s, was attacked near a parking
lot in front of The Mall shopping centre in Jalan Putra.
8. May
7 - A woman and her one-year-old baby were standing in her house compound
in Persiaran Titiwangsa when the splasher rode by and threw the liquid at them
at 3pm
of us must be on our toes from now onwards. We must work hand-in-hand to track
down this animal. This serial acid splasher is of dark complexion and he rides
either a Honda EX5 or Yamaha bike with a basket in front. So you should be more
careful when you see these 2 types of bike approaching you. If you are a woman,
a girl....or well just about anyone who is staying in KL-you might want to
follow the following guidelines here:
walk facing against the traffic: So that the serial acid splasher will not
attack you from the back. Besides that by walking against the traffic you will
have a better chance of avoiding anyone who looks suspicious to you.
walking by the side of the road: If possible don't walk at the side of the road
at all if it is unnecessary. You will be exposed and make yourself easy target
for this serial acid splasher. Walk near the building where there are crowded
bring along an umbrella: This might sound crazy...but I suggest that you bring
along a huge umbrella with you. So whenever you see someone suspicious
approaching you, immediately open that umbrella to shield yourself from any
possible attack. Yes! Just open it even though it is not raining. Best of all
use the umbrella all the time. Moreover your umbrella can be a potent weapon
for you to defend yourself in dangerous situations.
the police of any suspicious motorcyclist: Banking on our lazy and inefficient
Malaysian police alone is not enough. So the moment you see anyone riding a
bike with dark complexion and looks suspicious...immediately take down the
number plate and inform the police to come over as soon as possible. Who knows?
Your information might lead to the nabbing of this serial acid splasher!
on more clothes: I know the weather is scorching hot right now. But putting on
an extra jacket or vest might buy you some time to escape the devastating acid
if *touch wood* you are being splashed!
go out at all: No matter where you go, try not to walk...at all. If possible
don't even go out if you don't have any transport, preferably car. It doesn't
matter if the sundry shop is only 50 metres away from your home...you don't
want to risk being splashed with acid right? So ask your parents, husband or
other family members to ferry you around if you can.
Use as much water as possible: Water is the best remedy to counter the
corrosive acid. The moment someone is being splashed with acid (either it is
you or other victims), pour as much water as possible onto the affected body
parts especially the eyes. Keep on pouring a large amount of water to dilute
the acid. Keep on doing this until the acid has been diluted and washed away.
So I suggest all of us to bring a water bottle all the time.
really, really hope there will be no other innocent people being splashed with
this corrosive liquid again. I am sure our police force will do justice to the
lives that have been affected by this serial acid splasher in KL! If you happen
to meet this heartless, cowardly serial acid splasher in his act, don't
hesitate to alert the police or nab him. Remember if we don't do anything, this
could happen to our beloved ones. We must track him down and kill him!
Ok...sounds like I am a savage but I am sure you get what I mean! We Malaysians
must work hand-in-hand to bring down this serial acid splasher in KL. He is an
spread this - and all do our part to track down this criminal!!!
-Info terbaru yg dgr ialah pihak pelaku t'babit sedang m'sasarkan golongan
wanita muda di kawasan LRT and car park terutamanya di kawasan Setapak, Wangsa
Maju & Gombak-
The mystery ‘acid man’ returns
time, in the heart of the city — as if taunting cops to catch him!
Sagayam Monday, May 9th, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR: The gutless ‘acid splasher’ who has injured 20 victims —
all women and girls except a male school teacher — in eight incidents over the
past two months has taken his cowardly attacks right into the heart of the
This could be an indication that a lack of information on him has spurred him
to go on a splashing spree, say police
The sources said the prowler might also be challenging the police to catch him
from attacking victims with
substances that caused various degrees of burns to the recipients.
The vile, unabated ‘acid splashing’ binges have raised alarm bells over the
increasing brazenness of the motorcycle-
riding criminal — described as a “madman” by the police.
It is believed the man, who targets females, is no longer content with carrying
out attacks in outlying areas.
In the latest cases, he trained his sights on the city centre by first
attacking his female victims on Friday along the
perennially busy Jalan Pudu Lama and Jalan Putra.
The next day, the coward harmed a woman carrying a one-year-old child in
Persiaran Titiwangsa.
The police, who have formed a task force to track down the beast, want the help
of the public.
So far, the only information police have on the man is that he is of dark
complexion and rides a Honda EX5 motorcycle
with a carrier in front.
Sentul police chief ACP Zakaria Pagan said they needed the help of the public
as their ‘eyes and ears’ to help catch
the culprit.
“Surely, someone must have witnessed these attacks,” he told The Malay Mail.
“Even with increased police presence, the suspect continues to attack people.
Previously, he only operated in the
outskirts but he appears to have begun targeting people within the city centre.
“We are concerned about this and urge those with any information on this person
to assist us.”
In Friday’s incident, two women were strolling along Jalan Pudu Lama at 9pm
after having dinner when they were
pounced on by the suspect.
Approaching them from behind, he splashed a bottle of liquid on them before
making his getaway amidst busy traffic.
The women, suffering from burns caused by the substance, ran into a nearby
building to wash off the liquid. An
employee in the building went to their aid and sent them to the nearby Tung
Shin Hospital .
One of the women was given outpatient treatment while the other, identi‑ffed
only as Nor Azia, was transferred to the
Kuala Lumpur Hospital where she was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
Nor Azia’s friends have appealed to the police to catch the suspect before he
hurts any more people.
Mother and child latest cases
Barely 30 minutes after the first incident, the suspect struck again, this time
at a parking lot in front of The Mall
shopping centre in Jalan Putra.
His third victim of the day, a female lawyer in her 30s, sustained minor burns
and was given outpatient treatment at a
nearby hospital.
City police chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah said police had sent samples of the liquid
to the Chemistry Department and were
awaiting the results.
The suspect's crime spree continued on Saturday, this time, choosing a woman
carrying a year-old child in Persiaran
Titiwangsa as his latest victims.
The victim, in her 30s, was in her house compound around 3pm when the suspect
rode by and threw the liquid over
the gate before speeding off.
Both mother and child were rushed to the KL Hospital for treatment as the
liquid had entered their eyes.
Too many have been hurt, says friend of new acid attack victim
KUALA LUMPUR : A friend of one of the acid splasher's victims has issued an impassioned
plea to the police to catch
the "madman".
"Please help catch this crazy person who hurt my friend," said a
friend of Nor Azia, the 25-year-old who was one of two
women injured by the acid splasher in Jalan Pudu Lama on Friday.
Met at Hospital Kuala Lumpur yesterday, the friend, who was waiting for news on
Nor Azia outside the Intensive Care
Unit, said they were left shaken by the incident.
"We want the police to catch him. So many people have been hurt, we don't
want another victim to turn up elsewhere,"
she said.
She said Nor Azia's left eye region was damaged in the attack. Doctors had
told Nor Azia's family that she would be
at the ICU for a few more days.
"She is still recovering from the injuries. We are praying that the injuries
won't affect her eyesight," she said.
Nor Azia su‑ffered five per cent burns to the face, neck and hands.
Another friend, who said she was Nor Azia's colleague, said they were told the
acid splasher caught both women
"We were told by Nor Azia's family the two were walking towards a bank to
use the ATM when the motorcyclist
attacked them from behind.
"They weren't able to get a good look at him after the incident as he
quickly sped off," she said.
Nor Azia's father, identified only as Mohd Salleh, refused to comment on the
incident or to reveal the condition of his
"I cannot talk about it. I have nothing to say," he said, adding he
was advised by the police not to talk to the Press.
Where the 'splasher' struck
. March 2 -
Eight Year 4 and Year 6 pupils and a teacher of SK Bukit Bandaraya in Jalan
Bangkung, Bangsar were
splashed with a liquid by a motorcyclist clad in black.
2. March 24 - Two marketing executives were splashed with acid as they were
walking along Jalan Tun Sambanthan at 5.30pm.
3. March 25 - A 25-year-old history teacher, on the way to school, was
attacked near the back gate of a school in Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad at 7am.
4. March 26 - A Frenchman and his female companion became the 13th and 14th
victims of a corrosive liquid- splashing attack by a motorcycle duo in Jalan
Conlay about 3pm.
5. April 2 - In Jalan Mantin, Negri Sembilan, a 27-year-old woman and her
18-year-old niece were attacked by two men on a motorcycle 9pm.
6. May 6 - Two women were splashed with acid when a motorcyclist attacked
them from behind in Jalan Pudu Lama at 9pm.
7. May 6 - Thirty minutes later, a lawyer in her 30s, was attacked near a
parking lot in front of The Mall shopping centre in Jalan Putra.
8. May 7 - A woman and her one-year-old baby were standing in her house
compound in Persiaran Titiwangsa when the splasher rode by and threw the liquid
at them at 3pm